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Some dos and don'ts for Tough Minded Manager



Don't praise yourself — ever The feeling among your people that you have a “We” team is important, far from making you a weaker executive, it strengthens your position every way. You serve notice that you're a big enough man, not to overrule the word “I”, just to bolster a sagging sense of confidence.

Don't be negative, how do you like being around a negative thinker? Perhaps, after a meeting or conversation with a particular individual, you have been left feeling slightly depressed or thoroughly unsettled. A careful review will usually show the other man expressed several negative views, this can have a chilling effect on real creative productivity.

Don't knock your subordinates.

Don't be overly diplomatic or sugary. A phony will always be spotted. If you acquire a reputation as a boss, who wants to make everybody feel good, no matter what happens, your potential effectiveness begins to decrease & will continue to decrease. Until you decide to face up to people & talk problems through.

Don't try to “Manipulate” people. No one would want to be “Manipulated”.

Don't say anything to a subordinate, you can't say sincerely. The top man sets the tone, for his entire organization. If a manager is not sincere, he is asking for a group of “Yes Men” around him. People with Neuroses and high executive turnover.

Don't yield to the temptation to be a “Yes Man” yourself. Your boss will see through you as easily as you see through your subordinates.

Don't be an appeaser. This is only a stop-gap measure usually you find yourself behind eight-ball if you don't meet a problem head-on.

Don't be Sarcastic.

Don't forget the people's point of view.

Don't confuse activity with results, you may put in 40 Hours of work a week, but what does the company get out of it?

Don't react unwisely when you encounter apathy. It is disturbing, but there is usually a reason for it, and you may be the reason.


Make the teammate see the benefit to himself of your order or suggestion.

Discuss performance not personality, when you counsel subordinate. Be positive but not dogmatic, candid but not blunt.

Aim at consistency. “That hard-headed old character may be tough to work for, but by gosh, he doesn't play any favorites”.

Be objective.

Know your teammates strong motivation.

Reflect honesty and sincerity in all your dealings.

Be proactive, human kindness, as well as tough-mindedness.

Demonstrate those virtues, you advocate. Let your enthusiasm show.